Launching Otter Advisory



Hamlet: Do you see yonder cloud that’s almost in shape of a camel?

Polonius: By the mass, and ‘tis like a camel, indeed.

Hamlet: Methinks it is like a weasel.

Polonius: It is backed like a weasel.

Hamlet: Or like a whale?

Polonius: Very like a whale.

Hamlet Act 3, Scene 2.

There are many opinions and much confusion about the cloud. This isn’t a new problem.

The promise and opportunity for software to change how work is done is tantalising and very real. While the stakes have never been higher, understanding enterprise software is harder than ever. The vendor landscape is shifting; old, comfortable assumptions no longer hold. Marketing creates a sheen that is often difficult to see past. Knowing what is real and what is not requires experience, focus, insight and sometimes luck. The decisions about Human Resources technology that organizations make today will have consequences far into the future.

I’m excited to announce that – based on my experience and network accumulated in building and analysing HR technology over decades – I’m forming an advisory firm to do just that. The goal of Otter Advisory is to help enterprise buyers, builders and investors understand the weird and wonderful world of HR tech a little bit better – to make the decisions that lay strong foundations for future success.

My business plan is, in theory, simple –  I’ll work with complex, global organizations to help them figure out their HR technology strategies. I’ll work with software product managers to help them build better enterprise software. And I’ll work with a number of investors who seek to fund, trade, or acquire HR technology companies. I’ll also share some of my thinking and findings in blogs and research notes, and possibly videos.

I aim to be transparent. The vendors that pay me for advice, I’ll disclose. If I hold significant equity positions in vendors, I’ll disclose that too.

The website is over at I’ll blog there, here on Linkedin and also on medium. I have a lot to learn about building an advisory firm, so I have been bending the ear of others that have done this before, and I will continue to do. I’m grateful to those that have shared their wisdom so abundantly with me. A more fulsome thank you post will follow soon.

If you reckon that I might be able to help you or your organization, let’s talk. I’ll be at Unleash in Amsterdam from the 23rd-24th of October, or drop me an email.

(Crossposted on Linkedin, and Otter Advisory).

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