Social Media on the waterfront.

So, you have a marketing director or two, and you need to convince them that Social Media is something they ought to get a handle on. Stick them on a plane, and send them to Cape Town. To be precise to the Graduate School of Business, (on the waterfront), where they can attend the Nomadic Marketing Programme.  They will learn stuff.


Cape Town Waterfront

photo from the fabulous flickr stream of slack12

Well, the course is full, but demand that they run it again.

This course will enable delegates to realise the strategic value and capability of tools such as blogs, wikis, mobile applications and social networks and how to use them effectively and creatively to build brand communities.

The programme is run by a mix of folks doing social media stuff for a living and top academics.

 There is even a stormhoek connection with Graham Knox

(check out the facts here)


Congrats to Mike and the gang for getting this going and to Frank, the Dean of the School.  

Serious innovation is going on down there at the tip of Africa. There is more to social media than silicon valley. It is all about the storytelling.


3 thoughts on “Social Media on the waterfront.”

  1. Thanks so much for the mention and for the kind words Thomas. We’re trying hard to do the social media movement justice by stripping away the hype and offering delegates tangible business value from the program.

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